Nyx’s Midnight Tarot Spread


About This Tarot Spread

Tarot Spread Name
Nyx’s Midnight Tarot Spread
Tarot Spread Category
Recommended Tarot Deck
Any “dark” deck which holds deep and ancient truths
Number of Tarot Cards
Tarot Card Position Meanings
Tarot Card PositionTarot Card Position Meaning
1The avoided issue at hand
2The other part of the avoided issue
3This is part of the disillusion
4Also part of the disillusion
5Unknown factor impacting the avoided issue
6Hidden force impacting subconsciously
7First truth to accept to find your way out
8Additional step to be taken to further progress
9Main lesson of this hardship
10Message from Nyx
11Warning from Nyx
12Ultimate theme Nyx is communicating
Additional Message

A spread for when the answer you seek cannot be found on this planet or in this reality and requires a journey into the night of truth and freedom.

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