Saved Tarot Spreads Guide


ⓘ This guide applies to Saved Tarot Spreads page.

Open a tarot spread

Click on a tarot spread name of your choice.

Rename a tarot spread
  1. Click on icon located at the right of a tarot spread name of your choice.
  2. Enter a new tarot spread name and click on OK. The new name will be updated for the chosen tarot spread upon successful save.


  • The maximum number of characters for the tarot spread name is 100.
  • Please do not enter sensitive, confidential, or personal information in this field.
Delete a tarot spread

Click on icon located at the right of a tarot spread name of your choice.

Note: This website will need your confirmation before deleting the chosen tarot spread.

Sort tarot spread list

Click on the Sort button above the tarot spread list. The tarot spread list will be sorted in ascending or descending order alphabetically.