Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings

Queen of Pentacles tarot card image
Queen of Pentacles Meaning Indicator
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Queen of Pentacles’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

Queen of Pentacles (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Errand, excursion, takeout

Traits: Adaptable, anticipative, fair, flexible, moderate, rational

Emotions: Annoyance, frustration, homesickness, irritation, neglect

  • Actions:
    • Eating out
    • Finding the right pet for yourself
    • Getting help with the housework
    • Going out for a short trip
    • Hiring a caregiver
    • Identifying what deserves your caring
    • Learning to appreciate what you now have
    • Treating yourself
Queen of Pentacles (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Homebody, homecoming, hospitality

Traits: Gentle, kind, maternal, patient, protective, selfless, tolerant, warm

Emotions: Caring, contentment, relief, satisfaction, tenderness

  • Actions:
    • Appreciating the good things in life
    • Giving others a warm welcome
    • Making a healthy meal
    • Promoting the growth or development of someone or something
    • Returning to your home
    • Rewarding someone with compensation
    • Spending quality time with your loved ones
Queen of Pentacles (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Household chores, gourmandizer, overparenting

Traits: Dependent, greedy, indulgent, obsessive, preoccupied, possessive, soft

Emotions: Desire, envy, jealousy, pity, pride, sympathy

  • Actions:
    • Allowing a feeling of entitlement to distort your gratitude for what you’re given
    • Becoming insatiable
    • Blunting the impact of treats by indulging in them too often
    • Indulging in gluttony or greediness
    • Providing physical comfort without providing for emotional needs
    • Shielding someone from failures

Queen of Pentacles’ Advice

Personal Growth

How often do you cheat yourself by opting for the less expensive, the less suitable, or the less than perfect? There’s great pleasure in sacrificing for, saving for, and acquiring something “just right.” You may find anticipating something is more pleasurable than having it.


Over time, passion may give way to comfort; both of these incarnations of love have their benefits. A luxury shared with others becomes even more luxurious. Don’t overthink sex and relationships. Instead, set reasonable limits and embrace what your body yearns for.


Strive to incorporate special touches and little extras in your products and services today. These may require more time or resources to complete, but the results will be well worth the investment. Don’t be satisfied with anything less than the very best product possible.


Cocoon yourself in spiritual protection. Say an extra prayer. Burn an expensive stick of incense and savor the sweet aroma. Light a scented candle. Enjoy a ritual dinner. Alternatively, heighten your appreciation for your blessings by engaging in a period of voluntary simplicity. What can you do without?

Queen of Pentacles’ Symbols & Insights

Luxurious Robes

Reflecting themes of luxury and sensuality, the Queen of Pentacles is frequently clothed in rich fabrics and loose, comfortable robes. She loves the pentacle in her hands: its texture, its temperature, its smoothness, its weight. What might happen if you emulated her attention to sensual detail?

The Treasured Pentacle

What an object of art that Pentacle is! What might happen if you were to put your own best side forward, thrusting it into the spotlight for all to admire?

The Value of True Comfort

Money and health come and go. How can you cultivate a level of comfort that transcends sudden and unexpected changes in your circumstances?

The Marseilles Image

The Marseilles Queen of Coins gazes into her Coin as though it were a crystal ball. In some ways, knowing the future is the ultimate luxury. What outcomes can you predict? With those predictions in mind, what actions should you be taking now as a means of securing your own comfort tomorrow?

More About Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card

This card represents a woman with an expansive, sensual nature, likely born between December 13 and December 31, who uses sensual appeal and the promise of reward to sway others to her point of view.
Between December 13 and December 31
“I relish the best this world has to offer.”
Astrology Element
Water of Earth
The Queen of Pentacles can represent anyone who wants to encourage others (Queen) to appreciate the pleasures of the physical world (Pentacles). The Queen may also represent the tendency to be more materially-minded than spiritually-minded, or the need to pursue personal comfort at almost any cost.
The main character must avoid being lulled into complacency by the temptations of “the good life.”
Questions to Ask
How do I define luxury?
To what extent am I capable of reveling in sensual pleasure?
What would I have to give up in order to “have it all?”
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