Four of Wands Tarot Card Meanings

Four of Wands tarot card image
Meaning Indicator


Four of Wands’ Upright & Reversed Meanings

Four of Wands (Reversed, Lacking)

Ideas: Declination, people-watching, self-celebration, wallflower

Traits: Humble, independent, modest, quiet, self-sufficient, shy

Emotions: Anxiety, apprehension, embarrassment, insecurity, nervousness, uneasiness

  • Actions:
    • Celebrating yourself
    • Declining an invitation to join a group
    • Engaging in a small group of people
    • Limiting the frequency of partying
    • Taking a break from social gathering
    • Watching people having fun from a distance
Four of Wands (Upright, Balanced)

Ideas: Celebration, community, completion, teamwork

Traits: Agreeable, appreciative, ebullient, exciting, felicific, formal, hearty, proud, ritualistic, sociable

Emotions: Contentment, enjoyment, happiness, jolliness, jubilation, pleasure, relief, satisfaction, triumph

  • Actions:
    • Gathering and celebrating an event with other people
    • Going to a happy crowded place
    • Joining in an enjoyable activity
    • Making your way to somewhere welcoming
    • Preparing for a party
    • Working together towards a common goal
Four of Wands (Upright, Excessive)

Ideas: Celebration excuses, fear of missing out, social exhaustion

Traits: Distractible, indulgent, shallow, superficial, trendy, unreflective

Emotions: Annoyance, envy, fear, irritation, loneliness, jealousy, neglect

  • Actions:
    • Avoiding the fear of being alone
    • Exhausting yourself from socialization
    • Experiencing the fear of missing out
    • Failing to spend some time with yourself
    • Finding excuses to celebrate
    • Indulging more often than usual

Four of Wands’ Advice

Personal Growth

You can amplify individual achievements by becoming part of a group. Without decreasing the importance of your own contribution, you’ll achieve more … and have more to celebrate, too.


Have you been together for ten years? Celebrate. Have you been together ten days? Celebrate. Do something to recognize the contribution of both partners. Alone? Celebrate yourself.


Assign duties, delegate, and get out of the way. Allow others to contribute, even if their contributions aren’t exactly up to your personal standards. When projects end, thank everyone involved in a meaningful way.


It’s easy to allow any ritual to become empty. Get back in touch with what your rituals were meant to teach or inspire. When you restore meaning to your spiritual practice, every prayer becomes a celebration.

Four of Wands’ Symbols & Insights

The Arbor

Most Rider–Waite–Smith-inspired illustrations for this card incorporate a celebratory arbor. What do you have to celebrate?

Laurels and Grapes

Some Rider–Waite–Smith-inspired decks feature figures wearing laurel leaves and carrying bunches of flowers or grapes. Laurel leaves have long been given as tokens of recognition. Grapes suggest both harvest and celebration. Might it be time for a ceremony recognizing contributions?

Shared Labor, Shared Rewards

To what extent is everyone in your group doing his or her part in your “harvest?” How might a celebration (or being reminded of what’s worth celebrating) better integrate the people working with you?

The Marseilles Image

Four Wands have been woven together, creating a sturdy arrangement that might well serve as the top of a simple arbor. How might a celebration better integrate the people in your circle?

More About Four of Wands Tarot Card

Someone is watching and evaluating your work.
You may get a wedding invitation soon.
Between April 11 and April 20
“My contributions are worthy of celebration.”
Numerology Number
(the status quo: stability, equality, persistence)
Astrology Element
Astrology Planet in Sign
Venus in Aries
We see a demonstration of the main character’s special gifts.
Questions to Ask
To what extent am I doing my part?
What kind of recognition would be most meaningful?
How might a celebration now impact community morale?
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